Safe Haven Farms is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax exempt corporation. As such, your contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. We rely on the generous support of our friends, families, foundations and general public to help impact the lives of individuals with autism in our community.
There are many ways you can donate:
Via check:
Make checks payable to "Safe Haven Farms" and mail to Safe Haven Farms, PO Box 62034, Cincinnati, OH 45262.
Via stock, mutual funds, or other securities:
Donations of stocks or mutual funds may give you additional tax advantages. Consult your tax advisor for details to see whether this is an opportunity for you. For these donations, we typically work with you and your broker to arrange an electronic transfer. To donate stock or mutual funds, contact us at
Via equipment or other gifts in-kind:
To donate equipment or services, contact us at